Just Between Friends (JBF) Rights and Responsibilities
• JBF will only allow distribution of marketing materials that are appropriate for this type of sale.
• JBF is providing you with digital/physical space to promote your business listed on your chosen sponsor package. Soliciting JBF customers on the sales floor or on our social media platforms outside of your sponsor package is strictly prohibited. Solicitation will result in forfeiture of your sponsorship.
• JBF will provide sponsor with 2 (two) presale passes to shop during the designated presale time on Wednesday, Sept 18th and on Saturday Sept 21st during our Half-Price Presale
• JBF will provide sponsor with 2 (two) JBF reusable shopping bags.
• JBF reserves the right to provide a diversified group of sponsors that align with JBF mission statement and core values. In the event of duplicates, the vendor who purchased their spot first will get priority and your payment will be refunded.
• JBF Reserves the right to turn away any vendor that does not comply with these rules. All Sales final. No Refunds.
Sponsor Rights and Responsibilities
• The sponsor understands that Just Between Friends Northwest Houston, JourneyLane Events, LLC., Klein Multipurpose Center, and its participants are not responsible for any missing items and sponsor will hold Just Between Friends Northwest Houston, JourneyLane Events, LLC., Klein Multipurpose Center, and its participants harmless for any material losses from theft or otherwise, as well as any physical injuries incurred during the event.
• The sponsor will only provide professional materials that will be at our check-in table as well as professional buisness logo artwork.
• The sponsor will send all artwork/.jpg and business information to Gabrielle at
[email protected] after sponsor package is submitted.
• Your payment constitutes your agreement to the following terms and conditions with Just Between Friends Northwest Houston, JourneyLane Events, LLC.
For further sale details, check our website here:
Or our facebook page here:
We look forward to your partnership!
Further questions? Contact Gabrielle Jones at
[email protected]